Monday, August 15, 2011

Tech challenge 3

Patrons click to print directions and a map from mapquest. The print comes out with just the directions but not the map. There are several ways to print this properly. Any ideas?


  1. There's an option on the top right once you've typed in the addresses that allows you to select or deselect having the map printed with the written directions. Just check mark the patron's preference and print.

  2. Since there a few icons to print, I used the print icon on the left hand side. Once you click on it, a screen will pop up giving you the option click on the boxes to print just the directions or map or both! I use it often since I am directionally challended!!

  3. Google Maps works in a similar fashion with a box in the top middle of the print page. Check the box and you have both map and written directions.

  4. You can also check the box that says "print without advertisment" and it prints great.

  5. this is a good site, and found to check box that give you choices of map, directions or both.

  6. Carrie's comment about check the box that says " print without advertisment" is what I always do to print both map and directions. It saves on ink and without the advertisment it is easier to read the directions and map.
