Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mobile Devices and Overdrive

Just a reminder... If patrons have a mobile device (iPad, iPhone 4+, iPod Touch 4+, Android device, Blackberry, etc), they can download the Overdrive app to their device,then download ebooks and audiobooks directly, without having to go through transferring from a computer.  The exception to this is when a patron wants to put an audiobook in the wma format on their iDevice.  In this case, they would need to download the file to a PC and use the transfer wizard in Overdrive Media Console.  See for details on the app.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tech challenge 3

Patrons click to print directions and a map from mapquest. The print comes out with just the directions but not the map. There are several ways to print this properly. Any ideas?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For printing on the Macs, when it asks for a password, just type in "staff" and it will show the amount window for the patron and send it to the print station. The print job still shows up at the print station under their card.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TIP: After a patron and I had trouble saving a document to a CD - the CD wouldn't accept the document that way - Nick suggested right clicking on the document and selecting "send to" instead of trying to "save as" and send it to the CD and that worked.