Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Eject a Disk from a Patron computer

We have discovered that the “Eject CD” icon on the Desktop computers that are running Windows software doesn’t work (this doesn’t apply to the computers running the Apple software.)

Following are instructions how to eject a CD or DVD from the D: drive on these computers.

Click on the Start button (lower left hand corner of the desktop)

Click on Computer

Click on Devices with Removable Storage

Right click on the disc icon that says—DVD RW Drive (D:) Audio CD

Click on the word Eject. Viola! out pops your disc.

1 comment:

  1. I have not had to do that... on the patron PC's (windows not MAC)I do push the eject button on the keyboard and the icon appears on the desk top, then you click that....
